One of summer’s last green gasps, Quick-Pickled Green Tomatoes.
RECIPE: Quick-Pickled Green Tomatoes
Makes about 4 cups.
4 cups washed, cut-up green tomatoes (if “cherry”-sized, leave whole)
1 cup white wine (or distilled white, apple cider, rice, or any combination) vinegar
1 cup filtered water
2 tablespoons kosher or pickling salt
3 teaspoons granulated cane sugar
1 teaspoon whole peppercorns
4-6 cloves peeled garlic, to taste
Optional: 1 stemmed and sliced jalapeño, up to 1 teaspoon seeds of coriander, yellow mustard, cumin or celery (or combo), 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder or 3-4 fresh dill fronds
Simmer the vinegar(s), water, sugar, salt, peppercorns, any whole and firm seeds to be used for flavoring, and garlic cloves together until the salt and sugar are well dissolved. Place the tomato pieces into disinfected glass jar(s) and pour over the hot liquid, shaking the jar(s) so that the solids get distributed.
If using dill fronds, jalapeño slices or turmeric powder, add any before sealing. Seal the jar(s) and, when cool, refrigerate for at least 2 days before serving the tomatoes. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks.